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24th ICU Tournament



Venue: International Christian University


Date: from 11th(Wed.) to 13th(Fri.) of March 2015

The check-in date for the hotel is March 10th(Tue.) and check-out date is March 14th.


Tournament Cap: 70 teams


Institutional Cap: None


Debating Format: Asian Parliamentary Style (Gov.3 / Opp. 3)


Qualification: University students, graduate school students, and graduates (High school students is not allowed to participate in ICU Tournament)


Breaking System:

Day 1, Day 2: 6 Preliminary Rounds

Day 3: Break Rounds

Number of breaking team:16


Adjudication Rule: N=1 Rule

-You need to send 1 judge per 1 team. For example, if you send 3 teams, you need to send 3 judges.

-This rule applies to both institutional teams and composite teams.


Registration Fee: JPY31,000 per person (both debater and adjudicator)

This includes:

-4 nights accommodation

        The check-in date is March 10th and check-out date is March 14th.

-Breakfast of March 11th to 14th

-Lunch of March 11th and 12th
         Breaking debaters, breaking adjudicators will be offered 13th’s lunch in addition.

-Transportation fee between the venue and hotel in Japan

- Participation fee of casual dinner (with break announcement)


There has been a raise in the registration fee. This is firstly because tax in Japan was raised in last April, and the price for accomodation went higher. In addition, we introduce subsidized adjudicator system for the first time in this tournament in order to improve the quality of adjudication pool. We appreciate your understanding.

About Us

ICUT is the only international tournament held in Japan and one of the biggest and has the longest history.


Since our club has started, we continuasly hold this tournament. ICU debating society is the pioneer of debating club in Japan. It was established by two students who were then champions of Europe in 1991. From the begining year, we gatherd the foreign participants. However, the scale of the tournament was small at first. It was the last year (2013) that ICUT became such a big tournament. Participants are increasing every year and more than 300 debaters participated in our tournament last year. Our debate tournament is now one of the biggest tournament in Asia!


We think ICU-Tournnament is the good chance to tell how interesting it is to debate academic issues in English. Therefore, from this year, we would like to open the best opportunity for high school student to know the debate and join the debating society by plannig the debate workshop. We hope all of you enjoy this opportunity.


ICU Tournament (ICUT)は唯一の、日本開催の国際大会です。ディベートの大会は年間を通して国内、海外で開催されていますが、ICUTはその中でも現在最も規模が大きく、最も歴史の古い大会の一つです。


 ICUTは今年で24回目、ICUDS創設年度から欠かさず開催されてきました。ICUDSは日本にできた初めての英語競技ディベート部で創設は1991年、当時のヨーロッパチャンピオンだった2人の生徒によってつくられました。ICUTは現存する資料によると、当初より海外参加者を招致していたようですが、当初は海外からの参加者は10数名程度と規模が小さく、現在のような大規模な国際大会の形式になったのは22nd(2013)からです。参加者は年々増え、昨年は300人(内訳:国内、国際 ほぼ半数ずつ)を超えました。これは、世界で2番目に大規模な大会であるアジア・オセアニア大会の規模に迫ります。




New HP for 25th ICU Tournament 2016

If you want to go to the site of 25th ICU Tournament 2016, click here:

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