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All the motions of 24th ICU Tournament are now available!

Round 1 Theme: Children

THBT teachers should actively instil values (eg. political. social, moral) in their students

THW not allow couples (heterosexual or homosexual) to marry unless they commit to raising children

THBT children should be normalized to images and concepts of sex and intimacy

Round 2 Theme: Society

THBT governments should prioritize the influx of immigrants rather than incentivizing higher rates of childbirth from citizens

THW ban convicted criminals from speaking to, or being interviewed by, any media outlet (including but not limited to journalists and filmmakers)

TH regrets the role played by alcohol in East Asian societies

Round 3 Theme: Sex and sexuality

TH regrets the decriminalization of adultery in South Korea

THBT Western liberal democracies should legalize animated child pornography

TH supports the outing of closeted homosexual politicians by the LGBT movement

Round 4 Theme: Media

TH supports colorblind casting for TV or movie characters that have traditionally been portrayed as a particular race (e.g. Superman, James Bond, etc)

THBT liberal democracies should actively assist citizens of repressive states in circumventing censorship (such as throughout funding, technology proxy sites, etc)

THW ban owners of media companies from holding any financial interest (such as shares or ownership) in any non-media companies

Round 5 Theme: Islamic State

THBT full and unedited versions of Islamic State (IS) videos should be shown, and made available, by media

THBT, as a Muslim, one has a personal duty to denounce the Islamic State

THW treat the deliberate destruction of important cultural artefacts as a war crime

Round 6 Theme: Women

TH regrets the choice of female athletes who use their sexuality or physical appearance for marketing purposes

TH supports the use of feminist catchphrases about freedom, empowerment and choice in the advertisement of fashion and beauty products

THW ban anti-abortion protests outside abortion clinics

Octo Final Theme: Crime

THBT police forces should reflect the racial composition of the communities they serve

In countries where vaccination is mandatory, THW criminalise “vaccine denial (publicly denying the efficacy or safety of vaccines that have been scientifically proven to be effective and safe)

THBT the length of criminal sentences should, in part, be denied depending on the forgiveness, or otherwise of the victim

Quater Final Theme: Economics

THBT the EU should immediately forgive all of Greece's debt

THBT the heads of national central banks should be popularly elected

THW ban companies from building planned obsolescence* into their products

*Planned obsolescence is when companies design a product with an artificially limited useful life, so that it becomes no longer functional, or unfashionable, after a certain period of time

Semi Final Theme: International Relations

THW grant the Taliban an autonomous state in the areas under its control

TH, as the US and EU, would arm the Ukrainian government.

THBT states with nuclear arsenals should disarm them.

Grand Final ~MUCH tech. WOW future. VERY Japan.~

  • Assuming the technology exists, THW remove aggression from human behavior.

  • TH prefers a world where humans look and sound alike.

  • Assuming the technology exists, THW revive people who committed suicide.

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